With a two for one- Regular Installation Meeting and the Investiture of Worshipful Brother Dr. Nirmal Singh as Assistant District Grand Master
Dewan Freemasons, Jalan Penghulu Cantik, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Saturday 2nd January 2021
The “Year 2021” started off in a most positive way for the Brethren of Negri Sembilan Lodge . There was much cause for joy when it was announced that physical meetings of Lodges in Malaysia could resume from 1st January 2021.

Wasting no time the NSL Brethren planned their Installation meeting to take place on 2nd of January, their regular meeting date, all the time keeping in mind the strict Standard Operating Protocols imposed by the Government and the District, related to the continuing Covid-19 Pandemic plaguing the Country and the World.
As such, the “Year 2021” was ushered in by Brethren of NS Lodge to re-install Worshipful Brother Sharanjit Singh s/o Ranjit Singh as the Worshipful Master for the year 2021. To add to this joy Worshipful Brother Dr. Nirmal Singh, who had been appointed as the Assistant District Grand Master at the Virtual DGLEA Annual Communication held on 5th December 2020, was to be invested. The two in one meeting was successfully held while observing strict Covid-19 Protocols.
Our own District Grand Master Right W Bro Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy accompanied by present and past Officers of the District graced the occasion. Indeed our DGM’s Mother Lodge is NSL. The presence of RW Bro Jayamohan Nambiar, the Provincial Deputy Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South East Asia of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ireland added further dignity and grandeur to the occasion.
Once Lodge business matters were completed, the Visiting Brethren were admitted. Worshipful Brother Dr. Nirmal Singh was then invested as the Assistant District Grand Master. Worshipful Brother Dr. Nirmal Singh later flawlessly delivered the Address to the Brethren at the Installation.
The Installation Banquet was held at Weng Heong Restaurant, Seremban. Again the SOP set by the Government were fully adhered to.
