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By Bro Dr. Alvin Lum Wai Keng

Senior Warden, Negeri Sembilan Lodge 3552 EC

Photos courtesy of the various Brethren of the delegation




When it comes to inter-district relationships, the brotherly love between the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (“DGLEA”) and its sister districts under the register of the United Grand Lodge of England can truly be considered unparalleled.  One of the leading amongst our sister Districts is the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East (“DGLHKFE”).


After nearly four (4) years of closing their communications to visitors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DGLHKFE opened its doors to visiting delegations once again. Thus on the 27th of January 2024, the DGLHKFE celebrated its annual communications with a large retinue of visitors from far and near.


To commemorate this significant reopening, our District Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, led an awe-inspiring delegation from the DGLEA to Hong Kong. Accompanying our DGM were our Assistant DGMs, W Bro Raji Ramason and W Bro Dato’ Sivanesan Sivalingam, with a retinue of Grand Officers, District Grand Officers, and as well as Past Masters and Master Masons.


Many of our Brethren arrived early to Hong Kong, with some arriving as early as the Tuesday before the communications. This led to an excellent opportunity for both fellowships and sightseeing around Hong Kong, with our Ladies and Brethren. Unfortunately, the early arrivals encountered a sudden cold spell due to misjudging the weather. Thankfully, those of us who arrived a day or two later were properly prepared.



Some Brethren were in Hong Kong early and and really made the most out of their time there


The official events of the communication kicked off on Friday, 26th January 2024, with a fellowship dinner organized by the Hong Kong and Far East Grand Stewards Lodge at the Hong Kong Country Club. The informal dinner started with afternoon tea, followed by a buffet-style dinner. The variety of food brought a taste of home to many of us, and the abundance of good wine fostered good fellowship and a decent test of hepatic fortitude.



Members of the DGLEA enjoyed a Fellowship dinner at the prestigious Hong Kong Country Club



The following day, many of us seized the opportunity to sample Hong Kong’s special cuisine, such as Roast Duck and Wanton Noodles, or some of Hong Kong’s other Michelin-starred delights. This was followed by our early arrivals at Zetland Hall for the Annual Communication.



Breakfast, Hong Kong-style                                      

Part of our delegation at the fellowship reception




The Delegation from the DGLEA, comprising 24 Brethren (and 1 who is also a member of the DGLHKFE), was received into the main temple, and our DGM conducted to his seat in the East. It was happily observed that our delegation made up at least 20% of the total delegates for the communication, a remarkable feat indeed.


The RW DGM of Hong Kong and Far East, Rt W Bro Michael Lintern-Smith, assisted by his District Grand Officers, opened the District Grand Lodge in due form at precisely 5 pm. In typical Hong Kong fashion, the Rt W DGM invested his officers and conducted the meeting efficiently, and the District Grand Lodge was closed by 7 pm. Our delegation was processed out along with the District Grand Officers and distinguished Brethren.


Following the communication, we were hosted to a sumptuous dinner in a beautiful dining hall. Our delegation reciprocated the generosity of the Brethren of DGLHKFE with a gift of several bottles of spirits, which were gratefully received and promptly enjoyed that same evening.


W Bro Andrew Lau, the District Grand Junior Warden, graciously proposed a heartfelt toast to us, the visitors, which was warmly received by the Brethren of DGLHKFE. In response, W Bro Mahathir Mahzan, a Past Master of Makepeace Lodge, was bestowed with the honour of extending our heartfelt gratitude and cordial invitations to join us for our Half-Annual Communications in Kuala Lumpur this coming June.


While the Brethren were engaged, the Ladies were graciously hosted by the wife of Very Worshipful Brother Kendall Leighton Oei, the Deputy District Grand Master, to a sumptuous dinner. They not only had a delightful time but were so reluctant to leave that they stayed out longer than some of us.


After a wonderful evening of fellowship, many of us continued to indulge in Hong Kong’s famous supper fares. Some retired early (by Masonic standards) due to early flights the next day, while others extended their stay to further contribute to Hong Kong’s economy.


This Masonic journey to Hong Kong was indeed fruitful and strengthened the bond among the Brethren. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Brethren of the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East and eagerly anticipate reciprocating their generosity and hospitality in Malaysia.



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