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Lincolnshire 2025 Festival for the Masonic Charitable Foundation

Our District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago’s District Board of Benevolence – Contributes £500.00 in support of the fund raising by W. Bro. Robert Henry Smith in aid of the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival for the Masonic Charitable Foundation

Our own District Board of Benevolence in support of this wonderful and inspiring exertion of fund-raising by our W. Bro. Robert, has been most privileged to donate a sum of £500.00 from our District Benevolent Fund on behalf of our District Grand Lodge in aid of his fund-raising efforts towards the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival.

As always, in our constant pursuit of upholding the 2nd Grand Principle of Relief, our Brethren of each separate Lodge naturally strive unremittingly to assist the our needy and deserving Brethren in their respective Lodges, to include their wives, widows and de

pendents, and our District Grand Lodge through our District Board of Benevolence. Our Board of Benevolence , in turn, earnestly toils to afford aid and comfort to all of our afflicted Brethren, and their dependents, in all of our Lodges throughout our District.

In like manner, our Masonic Charitable Foundation unceasingly endeavors to afford assistance to needy and deserving Freemasons in aid of our Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London, 48 Provinces, 32 Districts and 4 Inspectorates holden under our United Grand Lodge of England.

One of the largest sources of donations to our Masonic Charitable Foundation which enables the Foundation to carry out its benevolent and charitable labors comes from Festival Appeals organized by our Provincial Grand Lodges in England, and each year, 4 Provincial Grand Lodges launch Festival Appeals which will last over a period of 5 years.

During the five (5) year appeal period, fund raising events and activities take place within each of the foregoing mentioned four Provinces. The funds collected are then utilized by our Masonic Charitable Foundation to afford financial grants to Freemasons and their dependents for daily living, health needs and education of children of Freemasons, the protection of vulnerable people in communities, to provide opportunities for young people, for the assistance of hospice care and air ambulances and the administration and funding of the Royal Masonic School for Boys, the Royal Masonic School for Girls, the Royal Masonic Hospital and 17 residential care homes.

In succor of the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival Appeal (year 2020 to 2025), W. Bro. Robert Henry Smith, PJGD, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire, has committed to taking part in a 15,000 feet tandem parachute drop on 27th August 2020, in conjunction with his 85th birthday that shall be held on 7th September 2020, in order to help raise a total of £10,000.00 for our Masonic Charitable Foundation. More inspiringly still, is that our W. Bro. Robert Henry Smith, at his relatively advanced age of close to 85 years old, continues to evince to each and every Brother that a Freemason's labors of benevolence and charity does not end, and much more can each and every Brother do to aid our afflicted Brethren and to assist those less fortunate than ourselves.

In support of this wonderful and inspiring exertion of fund-raising by our W. Bro. Robert, our District Board of Benevolence has been most privileged to donate a sum of £500.00 from our District Benevolent Fund on behalf of our District Grand Lodge in aid of his fund-raising efforts towards the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival.

Our Right Worshipful District Grand Master Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy together with all of our Brethren of our District Grand Lodge extend our warmest wishes to our W. Bro. Robert for a safe and memorable jump ahead as well as wish him every success in his courageous fund-raising efforts.

Brethren who may wish to also donate towards the foregoing mentioned fund-raising or who may want to keep track of the fund-raising labours of our W. Bro. Robert can visit our W. Bro. Robert’s fund raising page at

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