Bro Robert Merritt Traister - 60 Years a Mason
Light of Siam No: 9791 E.C. Phuket, Thailand, 16 August 2019

We value and treasure all Brother Freemasons, but when a Brother has dedicated sixty years of his life to Masonic service, we believe that is something truly special. We
therefore are truly please to honor and recognize Brother Robert Merrit Traister for his fidelity and devotion to Freemasonry. We the Brethren of Light of Siam thank him for his friendship and his support to the Craft throughout the years.

Allow me to give you a little background of our Brother Robert Bro Robert was born on 21st September 1937.He was initiated into The “Liverpool Grand Lodge No: 501” of New York, United States of America Brother Robertwas a Lewis and introduced, proposedand initiatedinto the Freemasonry in his Father, Bro. Merritt Traister’s Mother Lodge in June 1958 and in due time raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on the 1st June 1959. the1stJune1959.
At 22 years of age and with a Bachelor’s Degree our Bro Robert enlisted into the United States Army and eventually attained the rank of Captain. He soon found himself overseas serving in the Philippines then Vietnam and later Pakistan.

During Bro Robert’s tour of Duty whilst in Vietnam he was assigned to the Observance and MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) Team which served in the Sa Dec Province Vietnam in the Mekong Delta IV Corps Area of Operationsduring the Vietnam War. As the Advisor to the Province Representative to AMB Francis Terry McNamara, US Consul General Mekong Delta Region his duties had him flying in and out the Province on the omnipresent UH – 1B (Huey) Helicopters or a in a Swift Boat along the Mekong Delta’s rivers and waterways. Bro Robert’s expertise and job scope included assisting Displaced Persons forced from their Homes – Villages. A frightful experience for the refugees Bro Robert and his team would setup refugee camps giving shelter and protection. With his warm heart and caring nature he continued in this role as advisor to the General and Staff in the Region.Bro Robert role been well documented within the Book entitled “Escape with Honor” by Adrian Hill.

After Military Service eventually Bro Robert Traister settled in Thailand where he joined Lodge St John No: 1072 S.C. Bangkok on the 23rd March1982 and the Light of Siam No: 9791 E.C.on the 22nd December 2013 and still an active Member.
Bro Robert is real character, He always has a great story to tell that the younger Brethren particularly enjoy.
At our Light of Siam Installation meeting on the 27th July 2019 we were both pleased and honored to celebrate Bro Robert’s sixty (60) year anniversary in Freemasonry. As well as to recognize his long and dedicated service to the Craft that took him across the world and three different constitutions.
Befitting to the occasion in attendance was a W Bro Dr Yeoh Sin Hoch ADGM of DGLEA to present on behalf of Bro Robert Traister’s Mother Lodge Liverpool Grand Lodge No: 501 New York ,USA a sixty (60) year Apron – Certificates and Lapel Pins. Light of Siam are Proud to have Brother Robert Traister in their midst, Always feeling his Fraternal Warmth., A True Mason.