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“W. Master, I now present to your notice the Hall Stone Jewel, which was conferred on this Lodge by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. You will observe that its form is symbolic, for on the side squares are inscribed the dates 1914-1918; four years of supreme sacrifice. In the centre is a winged figure representing Peace, supporting a Temple. This symbolises the gift made by the English Craft of a new Temple in memory of those Brethren who made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of their King and their country. The Jewel is suspended by the Square and Compasses, two of the Great though Emblematical Lights in Freemasonry, and is attached to a ribbon, which I now have much pleasure in placing about your neck. The wearing of that Jewel by the Master of a Lodge fulfils a double purpose. First, it provides visible evidence that the Lodge has faithfully and conscientiously discharged its obligations to the Fraternity; secondly, it should ever provide an inspiration to every brother to put service before self. That Jewel, which should always be worn as part of your Masonic clothing, W. Master, you will transfer to your successor on the occasion when he is installed in the high and honourable Office which you now occupy. He, in turn, will transfer it to his successor, and so it is to be hoped, it will ever adorn the Master of this Lodge, until time with us shall be no more.”

Most of us are quite familiar with the preceding address, or a variation of it, delivered by the Installing Master to his successor. This is natural enough as all three English Masonic Lodges in Perak (other than the most recently consecrated Idris Lodge No. 9868) are Hall Stone Lodges by definition. Only two other Lodges in the District share that honour – Lodge of St George (No. 1152) in Singapore and Makepeace Lodge (No. 3674) in Kuala Lumpur. Surprisingly, the Address quoted above is found in the Emulation Ritual but not in the Revised Ritual exclusively used in Perak. It is printed In the Appendix along with other items which are not Emulation Working but have been included by the publisher for the convenience of Brethren who may wish to use them. It was only in 1964 that the Jewel, originally known as the Hall Stone Lodge Medal, was renamed as the Hall Stone Lodge Jewel. This would suggest that the address handed down by the Perakian Lodges was an archaic version. However, the Booklet on „Information for the Guidance of Members of the Craft‟ makes it plain that there is no „officially recognised form of words.‟ (page 40) But I have no doubt that it was adapted from the original description of the medal by Bro. Cyril Saunders Spackman, RBA1, RMS2, the winner of the design competition, which ran as follows:

“The jewel is in the form of a cross, symbolising Sacrifice, with a perfect square at the four ends, on the left and right squares being the dates 1914-1918, the years in which the supreme sacrifice was made. Between these is a winged figure of Peace presenting the representation of a Temple with special Masonic allusion in the Pillars, Porch and Steps. The medal is suspended by the Square and Compasses, attached to a ribband, the whole thus symbolising the Craft‟s gift of a Temple in memory of those brethren who gave all for King and Country, Peace and Victory, Liberty and Brotherhood”.

Too frequently our interest in the „Hall Stone Jewel‟ ends there; with the exception that much argument has ensued lately over the wearing of this relatively rare but no less distinctive jewel by the Masters of Hall Stone Lodges at after proceedings. So, it is in answer to the request of your WM, W Bro. Dr Shanker Sathappan, that I have, this evening, pieced together whatever knowledge I have gathered on this topic into the format of a paper, albeit somewhat hurriedly. I hope my efforts will throw some light on the subject and assist you in making „a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge‟.

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