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Royal Flush at Makepeace Lodge

– By Bro Ashveen Chakravarthy Sekaran

Tensions were building with excitement brewing, making the air in Makepeace Temple at the Read Masonic Centre (RMC), Kuala Lumpur, tense due to anticipation. While many within and outside the District of Eastern Archipelago had come to bear witness to a second degree working of this illustrious lodge , all eyes, on this especial occasion, were on the lodge’s Worshipful Master, for he was about to attempt a feat which not many have and far lesser, successfully.

It was the 10th of March 2023 and Makepeace Lodge No.3674 was holding its last regular meeting under the mastership of WM Mahathir Mahzan, which was to follow with an election meeting to elect a successor. The excitement for the meeting had been building for weeks, as brethren were made aware of the Master’s intention to perform what is known in the fraternity (especially within Revised Ritual lodges) as a “Royal Flush”; where a brother performs all workings of the ceremony, single-handed. Many had previously witnessed the immaculate display of workings by the master and the lodge but this time, however, they were keen to observe the sole display of the Master who would bring the lodge to newer heights.

The members of the lodge and visitors had noticed that the Master’s table, like his earlier meetings, was free of papers and books, with the exception of the Great Lights and tools that were required. As the Master and his entourage were escorted into the temple, the eagerness could be sensed from the brethren in attendance, especially from distinguished brethren such as the ADGM WBro Neale Avery – who himself had many years ago, worked the full Emulation 3rd degree workings perfectly at the Emulation Lodge of Improvement London and was awarded the Silver Match Box. Also present were many distinguished Grand Officers, District Grand Officers and Worshipful Masters of sister lodges and lodges of sister constitutions.

The Master began the meeting with pleasantries and followed it up with the usual formalities. The onlookers were treated to a calm and decorous meeting which was conducted in a relaxed manner when WM Mahathir Mahzan delivered the entire working to the candidate, Bro Ahsan Ali, without as much of a stutter or the need for a single prompt. Eventually, at the end of the ceremony, he was the proud recipient of well-deserved approbations from officers and peers and hearty congratulatory wishes were given to Bro Ahsan Ali on being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. It was indeed a ceremony worth witnessing.

The brethren of Makepeace Lodge then went on to elect the current Junior Warden of the lodge, Bro Ameer Shaik Mydin, as Master for the ensuing year, who will be installed on Saturday 8th April 2023.

The evening was followed by a sumptuous dinner at the RMC with 84 brethren who were in attendance. Toasts were given in the usual manner and WBro Regis Degen, IPM of Lodge Elliot Malacca, replied on behalf of the visitors and thanked the Master and the brethren of Makepeace Lodge for the excellent meeting and dinner.

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