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25th May 2023

Light of Siam Lodge No: 9791 E.C. Phuket

Prepared by: W Bro. Ralph Waldman, PM - Lodge Secretary, PDistGPurs, DGLEA.

Dear Brethren,

WM Hans Michael Guelich, W Bro. David Dobson, Bro. Ravindranath Raghunath and Bro. David Pantin meet for lunch with their good Lady Wives,

W Bro Hans Michael Guelich.

Worshipful Master 2023/24

At that lunch our Worshipful Master. asked if it were possible to organize and hold Charity Golf Tournament to Raise funds for the Special Education Centre Kathu, Phuket.

Our W Bro. David Dobson and Bro. Ravindranaqth Raghunath assisted by Bro. Keith Starr eagerly took up the challenge. Bro. Raghunath was the principal driver (no pun intended) and together these Brethren managed to secure Sponsors along with 92 Golfers in a time period of just 5 weeks.

Our Worshipful Master’s aim was to raise Baht 100,000 for the Special Education Centre,

On W Bro. Neale Avery’s suggestion the Golf Tournament should be called MASH (Members Association of Slicers and Hookers) golfing terms.

As mentioned, that our original goal was to raise Baht 100,000 and we most pleasantly surprised to have wound up raising slightly above Baht 330,000.

The look on the faces of the Special Education Centre, representatives, Mrs. Natsasi Wiwekwin and Miss Pranee Hanpromma gave us such joy which made all our efforts worthwhile.

Our gratitude to those who participated also the Light of Siam Members, to our guests and those who graciously sponsored our Charity Event. Lest not we forget the wonderful Blue Canyon Golf Course Management and Staff.

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