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W Bro Michael Huang; A legacy of service to the country

Singapore, March 2021

Every so often, an exceptionally bright star is seen in the sky and signifies a great happening. Today, we take pride to have amongst us, in our fraternity, our own bright star.

W Bro Michael Hwang….whose legacy of service to the country was furthered by him being appointed to high honours by the Republic of China.

W Bro Michael has held numerous high positions not only in the Republic of Singapore but also overseas. He is greatly admired for his dedication to a high standard of work, his knowledge and experience, which together with his integrity and leadership qualities, puts him in good stead to succeed in any appointed position.

Just as the first person to scale Everest, Michael’s achievements are a testament to his ambition and perseverance. Moreover his drive and passion are rather infectious. Only a few can inspire others to achieve greatness. W Bro Michael is one of them.

What he has been able to achieve is phenomenal. The standing ovation from the District represents only a fraction of the recognition he deserves. We in the District could not have been more impressed and prouder as we congratulate him on his outstanding achievement.

We all well remember the narration in the North East Corner.

A house cannot be built without a solid foundation and the same can be said about his success. His drive and ambition are that solid base and his achievement here is one of the many bricks building that house.

It is also very rare to find someone who has achieved this level of success but has been able to stay humble and true to themselves. It’s a quality that deserves a celebration in itself.

To say that we in the District are happy for him is an understatement. Looking at him today, we are all simply beaming with pride. His achievement here is nothing but inspiring. A true Freemason.

Congratulations W Bro Michael on your success. We await as you continue to grow and establish yet more milestones. May TGAOTU watch over and bless you always.

W Bro Michael Hwang, PAGDC, PDGSW is a member of Lodge Singapore No. 7178 E.C. and is a highly successful practicing lawyer in his professional life. He was Initiated in Lodge Singapore on 7th July 1969 and is a founder member of Oldham Lodge No. 9961 E.C. He served as the District Grand Registrar from 1995 to 2002.

He received his legal education (both undergraduate and post-graduate) at Oxford University where he was a College Scholar and Prizewinner. He then took up a teaching appointment at the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney before returning to Singapore to commence private practice in 1968 at Allen & Gledhill (now Singapore’s largest law practice).

In mid-1991 Dr Hwang was appointed a Judicial Commissioner (a Contract Judge for a fixed term) of the Supreme Court of Singapore which expired at the end of 1992. He returned to private practice at Allen & Gledhill at the beginning of 1993, where he was a Senior Partner and Executive Committee Member, until he retired from the firm at the end of 2002 to set up his own boutique practice in international arbitration and mediation.

In 1997 Dr Hwang was appointed as one of the first twelve Senior Counsel of the Supreme Court of Singapore.

Dr Hwang is a practicing international arbitrator and mediator and has conducted over two hundred arbitrations and mediations, both in Singapore and overseas. He is (or has served) on the Governing or Advisory Bodies of the national arbitration institutions of Singapore, Hong Kong, England, Dubai, Australia, and Switzerland. He is listed on the panel of arbitrators of over 30 national and international arbitration institutions and has taught and written extensively on arbitration, including having published two volumes of Selected Essays on Arbitration and Dispute Resolution.

He has had a number of international appointments:

· Commissioner, United Nations Compensation Commission at Geneva

· Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague

· Vice Chairman, ICC International Court of Arbitration at Paris

· Vice President, International Council of Commercial Arbitration (an NGO recognized by the United Nations)

· Council Member, International Council of Arbitration for Sports (at Lausanne)


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