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SJKT Ladang Changkat Kinding

Napier Lodge No 3418 EC Charity Report 2019/20

It was our Worshipful Master Nahtan Krishnan wish to continue to assist the above-named School, a Project initiated by our IPM Worshipful Brother Harbhajan Singh Ujagar Singh, who, during his year in Office, answered the appeal by the HM Puan Devaki Jayapragasam for 10-units of refurbished desktop computers. The Subject Teknologi Maklumat Komunikasi was being taught to Years 4,5 and 6, but as they have no computers in the School, the students did not have the benefit of a hands-on experience.

On 27-December 2019, our Worshipful Master Nahtan Krishnan met with the HM Puan Devaki Jayapragasam and worked out the details of the Project for his Year in Office.

The plan was ambitious - our WM decided to install air-conditioners to all the Classrooms from Standards 1 to 6, to supply steel cabinets to every Classroom, to stock up the School Library, to provide workbooks, and to contribute another refurbished desktop computer to replace one that was beyond repair.

Neither the Pandemic, the MCO nor the economic downturn deterred our Worshipful Master, whose determination inspired and rallied the Napier Brethren to practice that distinguishing characteristic of Freemasonry, namely Charity.

At this point, special mention must be made of Bro Dato’ Lal Ravindrarajuloo Naidu, who not only contributed 6-units of air-conditioners and 5-units of steel cabinets, but also underwrote the transport, servicing and installation of his very generous contributions.

The handover ceremony was held on 10-July 2020, and the occasion was graced by our ADGM W Bro Dato’ Rajasegaran Nagarajah.

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