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Four Singapore Join Forces to Support Front-Liners Combating COVID-19 in Singapore

DGLEA’s District Board of Benevolence Matches Funds

Since Singapore confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on 23rd January 2020, there have been many relief and charity initiatives to support front line health workers in their endeavors to fight this relentless disease.

One such enterprise was undertaken by the son of a Centenary Lodge member, Mr. Stewart Heath (son and “Lewis” of W. Bro. Dennis Heath) who started a program in February to deliver, these hard-working professionals, some essential provisions as well as light snacks (non-perishable), energy drinks, facial gels, demisting sprays for spectacles to front line staff at Tan Tock Seng and Singapore General Hospitals.

These heroic front-liners had to wear, for prolonged periods each day, cumbersome personal protective equipment (including goggles, masks, and respiratory apparatus) to safeguard the patients as well as themselves. Further, these key staffers had little time for leisure and basic tasks, such as visiting supermarkets for their own essential items. Many of these front-liners are non-Singaporean nationals on basic wages.

The Brethren of Centenary Lodge were so impressed with the endeavour of Mr. Stewart Heath, who was using his own time and finances, that they started making regular contributions to help Stewart’s relief initiatives. It quickly became apparent that his project, was only able to support a small proportion of the identified needs of the staff. To widen the charity, the Brethren began spreading the word around other Lodges in Singapore. Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge and Lodge Singapore stepped in unflinchingly to sustain this project.

Later a request was made to the District Board of Benevolence for matched funds and this was expedited swiftly. Furthermore, the scope of food deliveries was extended to include the staff of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. Subsequently The Lodge St. George came on board to join the initiative - ensuring deliveries to Changi General Hospital.

At the time of writing the project is still ongoing. We wish to extend our special thanks to the Brethren who have devoted their time and finances to make it a success. It is hoped that once the acute situation is under control, to extend charitable efforts to the foreign workers based in dormitories.

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