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Kinta River Hotel, Ipoh, 8th December 2019

Last year at this time the Ashlar published a short article showcasing our District’s Directors of Ceremony Team.

We are this year once delighted once again to do the same. This time however we present to you the ingoing and outgoing DoC teams for the years 2018/2019 and 2019 / 2020

From left to right:

W. Bro. Datuk Dr Lakshmanan Nachiappan, PDGSuptWks, Outgoing District Deputy Grand D of C

W. Bro. Koh Kia Heong, District Assistant Grand D of C, Incoming

W. Bro. Anthony Stephen Downes, District Assistant Grand D of C. Reappointed

W. Bro. Saptak Santra, District Deputy Grand D of C, Reappointed

W. Bro. Raji Ramason, District Grand D of C, Reappointed

W. Bro. Varpal Singh Sagoo, District Deputy Grand D of C, Incoming

W Bro Nash Hon Nai Shan, District Assistant Grand D of C, Incoming

W. Bro. Dr. Senthuran Pathmalingam, Outgoing District Assistant Grand D of C

As we all know the District’s DoC team is responsible for escorting the District Rulers, both within the District and overseas, and for ensuring that all ceremonies are executed correctly, and all protocols followed at District Communications, Installation Ceremonies and District visitations. They also officiate at more rare occasions such as ceremonies that commemorate Lodge centenaries, foundation stone laying, temple and banner dedications.

With the new incoming DoCs’ now on the team we can be ensure of a continued polished performance throughout the year so that everything we do is done with an element of poise, dignity and decorum.

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