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3rd Annual Kuantan Masonic Joint Ladies Night

Kuantan Hyatt Hotel Ball Room

The Masters of the three Craft Lodges that meet in Kuantan;

  • Bro. Sandrasegaran the RWM of Lodge Royal Pahang 1589 S.C.

  • W. Bro. Raja Sundram the WM of Mustapha Osman Lodge No. 9859 E.C.

  • W. Bro. Bernard Francis the WM of Kuantan Lodge No. 946 I.C.

once again made a wise decision and brought the three Kuantan lodges back together to hold what is fast becoming a tradition here in Kuantan our “Joint Lodge Ladies Night. This is the third such year a Joint Ladies Night was held and from the great feedback this year we have reached even greater heights. Our thanks go out to all those tireless Brethren in the organizing team ably led by Bro. Kumar Ramu, the Junior Warden of Lodge Royal Pahang

So on the 13th Octoerber 2018 on a dreadful rainy Saturday night in Kuantan there was plenty of light and laughter to be had and shining smiles to be found all around the Hyatt Hotel Ballroom where the Brethren of Kuantan’s three Lodges joined to together in a show of solidarity, harmony and brotherly-love to honour our good ladies and invited guests.

Lodge Royal Pahang once again took the lead in the organization with Bro. David Wong brilliantly performing as our Emcee for the night. There was no doubt it was truly a joint effort with all the Lodges pitching in one way or the other.

Everyone present without exception thought it an over whelming success. The Kuantan Hyatt Hotel, which had just reopened after a long period of renovation, proved to be a wonderful venue. Once all were settled down, grace said and loyal toasts given the ceremony for the Ode to the Haggis began in the true and delightful Scottish tradition so unique to the Scots and Robby Burns. For many in attendance it was their first experience witnessing this enjoyable ceremony. For the old timers in the crowd “Ode to the Haggis” never fails to gratify our Masonic spirits.

The Ode was performed magnificently by the Worshipful Master of the Kuantan Irish Lodge W. Bro. Bernard Francis who gave us an excellent rendition complete with a Scottish brogue accent and all. The Irish are always in for a good song and whiskey or two and tonight was no exception.

Along with Grand Officers and other luminaries the Masters of the three lodges and their good ladies were seated at the head table. We were in for a special treat when the Ladies of each the Worshipful Master, entertained us with extraordinary speeches with emphasis on the women’s point of view. Spellbound, the audience could tell that all three Ladies spoke from direct from their heart, saw Masonry as something that positively impacted their husband’s lives and that made them a better man and husband. Yet at the same time these three distinguished Ladies each shared their unique views along with humorous antidotes.

When writing this article I knew it would be near impossible for me to describe and do justice to each Lady’s brilliant speech and the superb manner and aplomb in which they were delivered. As such I have added the full context of the three (3) speeches in hope they might serve as an example for the future ladies that follow.

As you can see from the photos there was plenty of good food, great music from the band “Pandavas” that had all on the floor dancing. A very entertaining lip sync contest between the three lodges which was won hands down by Lodge Kuantan as they showed off their musical powers. To go with it all were tons of spirits to make for a very merry and memorable night.

Of course the stars of the night were our lovely ladies. This the one night of the year when we Masons formally honour the women in our life, whether they are our wife, daughters, or mother. We can only hope that they know how much we love them and that we are ever thankful for their amazing support throughout the years as we journey through our Masonic travels.

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